The most important point of creating an aesthetic and minimalist balcony is folding glass.
Restaurant, Cafe, Showcase, Winter garden, Glass Balcony, Patio, Office partition and glass partition wall can be used in all kinds of indoor or outdoor folding glass.
Please contact us to get the price of glass balcony per m2.
It is the system that you can fold in the direction you prefer by the chassis and profile features of the system we use.

Folding Glass Systems
Folding glass systems provide a more useful space at home or at work. Folding glass systems, where the glasses can be folded and collected in the same spot, adapt very well to seasonal differences.
By keeping it open in beautiful weather conditions, the spaces can be utilized at maximum level. It provides protection from external influences in adverse weather conditions such as snow, rain, wind and dust. The folding glass system is a system that can be applied without disturbing the appearance of the place and without requiring much labor.
All glasses in folding glass systems are tempered glass. This maximizes the resistance to any impact. The high level of resistance and the risk of breakage to the lowest level, ensures the safe use of the system.
Usage Area
Folding glass systems are generally used in balconies. There is a folding glass system that can be applied to every type of balcony. Apart from residential balconies; cafe, bar, restaurant, attic and winter garden are also used for decoration.
They are safe systems that ensure that the facades of the building are closed securely in offices and ateliers. The glass balconies are suspended from the top and have a glass thickness of 10 mm.
The system itself has one door. By this door, the entire system can be opened at any time. Since there is no elevation or threshold in its structure; is more useful and functional than other systems.
Especially in places and workplaces where entrance and exit are intense, folding glass system with hanging structure is used. The garden and balconies of the house become more modern with this system. It is possible to have a pleasant and warm environment in winter. In addition, hanging folding glass systems have sound insulation.
The folding glass, which offers panoramic views, does not cause any change in the exterior of the building. Balconies that can be used for four seasons with folding glass; wind, rain and snow. It provides architectural interaction by creating new and different usage areas in spaces.
The impact-resistant glass structure also ensures the safety of children. Folding glass systems, which do not pose a legal problem for property owners, comply with the zoning regulations.
Folding glass; it prevents the view from closing and increases the value of the place. Cleaning and maintenance is quite easy and practical. Only when required and only the desired part is opened to provide ease of use.